
10 May, 2024

Uganda is taking a census.  According to radio reports, this will be the sixth census since Uganda’s independence.

Information has been coming out for a couple of weeks now.  As I understand it, the centers within each sub-county will be directing the enumerators, not receiving the public as we were first led to believe.  There have been other national campaigns (mosquito net distribution, spraying insecticide to kill mosquitos in areas where [or in years when] mosquito nets were not enough).  Now it sounds like the census will use the same model, the enumerators will go from house to house collecting the information.  Information is to be as-of midnight 9 May (going into 10 May), regardless of when the enumerator finally reaches your house.  Also, it is not just for citizens, it is a count of everyone in Uganda, refugee, expat, visitor, and citizen alike.

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