
1 May, 2024

The South Sudan Evangelical School of Theology holds its classes in Mugujai, Uganda which is on the border with South Sudan.  That allows them to serve those who remained in South Sudan, those who have returned, and the refugees in Uganda.  I was asked to come for the graduation service and to preach the message.

Part of my preparation is to type up the readings.  Since the school teaches in Kakwa, I typed the English and the Kakwa translations of the readings.  I review what I type in Kakwa, comparing it to my source, word by word because my computer does not spell check in Kakwa.  I also asked a Kakwa speaker to read it over to make sure it made sense.  I must be careful which Kakwa speaker I ask, because many of them do not have the ability to read.  This is frequently an issue in the prison ministry.

The Kakwa bible, now back in print, was out of print for over a year.  The publishers wanted to correct many of the mistakes before printing more, but they did not find someone to do the work.  My reviewer found one of the errors in Acts 7:1 where the word ‘to’ was translated ‘ka’.  He told me it should be ‘ku’.

One of the bishops teaching at the school does a lot of translation work for the ministries of Truth is Light.  I look forward to his review, and what I will learn about Kakwa in the process.